Last updated: 2023-06-03

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html 855bd74 HailinWei98 2021-09-22 Build site.
Rmd e582e5c HailinWei98 2021-09-22 Publish the initial files for myproject

In this page, we provide the code for testing GSFA(v0.2.8) and SCEPTRE(V0.1.0). To estimate the time usage, we record the time before and after running the major model. To record the memory usage, we create a python script as follows and include the R code for running into the robjects.r.

from memory_profiler import profile
import rpy2.robjects as robjects
import os
def run():
    robjects.r('''{R code}''')

if __name__ == '__main__':

GSFA Testing

For GSFA testing, we find that its iteration step stop after finishing 800 iteration when we using a dataset of ~30K cells, 1.2K genes and 249 perturbed genes as input.


#data preparation

mtx <- readRDS("perturb-CITE/control/RNA_QC.rds")
sg_lib <- read.table("perturb-CITE/control/sg_lib_all.txt", header = T)
sg_lib <- subset(sg_lib, cell %in% colnames(mtx)) <- GetAssayData(object = mtx, slot = "")

#define the function to convert the data frame to index matrix, derived from scmageck

frame2indmatrix <- function(bc_d, targetobj) {
    rnm = colnames(targetobj)
    cnm = unique(bc_d$gene)
    scalef = targetobj
    message(paste(length(unique(bc_d$cell)), "..."))
    message(paste(ncol(scalef), "..."))
    #rnm = rnm[!] #remove NA
    #rnm = rnm[rnm %in% colnames(scalef)]
    if (length(rnm) == 0) {
        stop("Cell names do not match in expression matrix and barcode.")
    cnm = cnm[!]#remove NA
    ind_matrix = matrix(rep(0, length(rnm) * length(cnm)), nrow = length(rnm))
    rownames(ind_matrix) = rnm
    colnames(ind_matrix) = cnm
    row <- bc_d[, 'cell']
    col <- bc_d[, 'gene']
    test <- (row %in% rnm) & (col %in% cnm)
    idx <- as.matrix(data.frame(row[test], col[test]))
    ind_matrix[idx] <- 1

G_mat <- frame2indmatrix(sg_lib, <- t(
rm(list = c("mtx", "sg_lib"))

index <- which(colnames(G_mat) == "NTC")

#running GSFA

st<- Sys.time()
fit0 <- fit_gsfa_multivar(Y =, G = G_mat, K = 20,
                          use_neg_control = TRUE,
                          neg_control_index = index,
                          prior_type = "mixture_normal", 
                          init.method = "svd",
                          niter = 1000, used_niter = 500,
                          verbose = T, return_samples = T)

fit0 <- fit_gsfa_multivar(Y =, G = G_mat,
                          use_neg_control = TRUE,
                          neg_control_index = index,
                          prior_type = "mixture_normal", fit0 = fit0,
                          init.method = "svd",
                          niter = 1000, used_niter = 500,
                          verbose = T, return_samples = T)
et<- Sys.time()
print(et - st)


For SCEPTRE testing, we execute the code with the parameter 'parallel = TRUE' to minimize the running time. However, we find that it will raise the warning message as follows when we test a dataset of ~15K cells, 1.2K genes and 4 perturbed genes.

In mclapply(argsList, FUN, mc.preschedule = preschedule, mc.set.seed = set.seed,  : scheduled cores 80, 87, 97, 99, 103, 107, 108, 109, 111, 120, 126, 129, 132, 151, 154, 159, 176 did not deliver results, all values of the jobs will be affected.

Due to this message, we don't test SCEPTRE with datasets including more cells. Additionally, while we execute the code with the parameter 'parallel = FALSE' recently, we find that the dataset used before can be analyzed by SCEPTRE without any warning message. We also test the new function in SCEPTRE v0.2.0 and find that the function can analyze datasets including more than 75K cells with less memory usage and more time usage, compared to the function in SCREE. We show the code for testing SCEPTRE v0.1.0 below.

To make sure the dimension of datasets for all methods is the same, we remove the build-in quality control step in the SCEPTRE function. The new functions are as follows.

run_sceptre_high_moi2 <- function(gene_matrix, combined_perturbation_matrix, covariate_matrix, gene_gRNA_group_pairs, side = "both", storage_dir = tempdir(), regularization_amount = 0.1, B = 1000, full_output = FALSE, parallel = TRUE, seed = 4) {
    cat(paste0("Check ", storage_dir, "/logs for more detailed status updates.\n"))
    cat("Running checks and setting up directory structure. ")
    # 0. Set up parallel, fst, offsite directory structure, pod sizes
    dirs <- initialize_directories(storage_location = storage_dir)
    if (parallel) {
      n_cores <- parallel::detectCores()
      doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = n_cores)
      foreach_funct <- foreach::`%dopar%`
    } else {
      n_cores <- 1L
      foreach_funct <- foreach::`%do%`
    # 1. threshold gRNA_matrix (using threshold = 3, for now) if necessary
    gRNA_matrix <- combined_perturbation_matrix
    # 2. Ensure that cell barcodes coincide across gene and perturbation matrices
    if  (!identical(colnames(gRNA_matrix), colnames(gene_matrix)) || !identical(row.names(covariate_matrix), colnames(gene_matrix))) {
      stop("The column names of `gene_matrix` and `gRNA_matrix` and the row names of `covariate matrix` should be the cell barcodes. Ensure that the cell barcodes are present and identical across these matrices/data frames.")
    if (is.null(row.names(gRNA_matrix)) || is.null(row.names(gene_matrix))) {
      stop("The row names of `gene_matrix` and `gRNA_matrix` should contain the gene IDs and gRNA IDs, respectively.")
    # 4. Make sure genes/gRNAs in the data frame are actually a part of the expression matrices; ensure all rows distinct
    if ("gRNA_group" %in% colnames(gene_gRNA_group_pairs)) {
      gene_gRNA_group_pairs <- dplyr::rename(gene_gRNA_group_pairs, gRNA_id = gRNA_group)
    if (!all(c("gene_id", "gRNA_id") %in% colnames(gene_gRNA_group_pairs))) stop("The columns `gene_id` and `gRNA_id` must be present in the `gene_gRNA_group_pairs` data frame.")
    abs_genes <- gene_gRNA_group_pairs$gene_id[!(gene_gRNA_group_pairs$gene_id %in% row.names(gene_matrix))]
    abs_gRNAs <- gene_gRNA_group_pairs$gRNA_id[!(gene_gRNA_group_pairs$gRNA_id %in% row.names(gRNA_matrix))]
    if (length(abs_genes) >= 1) {
      msg <- paste0("The genes `", paste0(abs_genes, collapse = ", "), "' are present in the `gene_gRNA_group_pairs` data frame but not in the `gene_matrix` matrix. Either remove these genes from `gene_gRNA_group_pairs,` or add these genes to `gene_matrix`.")
    if (length(abs_gRNAs) >= 1) {
      msg <- paste0("The perturbations `", paste0(abs_gRNAs, collapse = ", "), "' are present in the `gene_gRNA_group_pairs` data frame but not in the `gRNA_matrix` matrix. Either remove these perturbations from `gene_gRNA_group_pairs,` or add these perturbations to `gRNA_matrix`.")
    gene_gRNA_group_pairs <- gene_gRNA_group_pairs %>% dplyr::distinct()
    # 5. Set the pods
    n_genes <- length(unique(gene_gRNA_group_pairs$gene_id))
    n_gRNAs <- length(unique(gene_gRNA_group_pairs$gRNA_id))
    n_pairs <- nrow(gene_gRNA_group_pairs)
    pod_sizes <- c(gene = ceiling(n_genes/(2 * n_cores)),
                   gRNA = ceiling(n_gRNAs/(2 * n_cores)),
                   pair = ceiling(n_pairs/(2 * n_cores)))
    cat(crayon::green(' \u2713\n'))
    # 6. If number of genes is small, set regularization_amount to 0
    if (n_genes < 50) regularization_amount <- 0
    # create file dictionaries
    dicts <- suppressMessages(create_and_store_dictionaries(gene_gRNA_group_pairs,
    cat("Running gene precomputations. ")
    # run first round of gene precomputations
    foreach_funct(foreach::foreach(pod_id = seq(1, dicts[["gene"]])),
                  run_gene_precomputation_at_scale_round_1(pod_id = pod_id,
                                                           gene_precomp_dir = dirs[["gene_precomp_dir"]],
                                                           gene_matrix = gene_matrix,
                                                           covariate_matrix = covariate_matrix,
                                                           regularization_amount = regularization_amount,
                                                           log_dir = dirs[["log_dir"]]))
    cat(crayon::green(' \u2713\n'))
    # regularize thetas
    regularize_gene_sizes_at_scale(gene_precomp_dir = dirs[["gene_precomp_dir"]],
                                   regularization_amount = regularization_amount,
                                   log_dir = dirs[["log_dir"]])
    # run second round of gene precomputations
    foreach_funct(foreach::foreach(pod_id = seq(1, dicts[["gene"]])),
                  run_gene_precomputation_at_scale_round_2(pod_id = pod_id,
                                                           gene_precomp_dir = dirs[["gene_precomp_dir"]],
                                                           gene_matrix = gene_matrix,
                                                           covariate_matrix = covariate_matrix,
                                                           regularization_amount = regularization_amount,
                                                           log_dir = dirs[["log_dir"]]))
    # run gRNA precomputations
    cat("Running perturbation precomputations. ")
    foreach_funct(foreach::foreach(pod_id = seq(1, dicts[["gRNA"]])),
                  run_gRNA_precomputation_at_scale(pod_id = pod_id,
                                                   gRNA_precomp_dir = dirs[["gRNA_precomp_dir"]],
                                                   combined_perturbation_matrix = combined_perturbation_matrix,
                                                   covariate_matrix = covariate_matrix,
                                                   log_dir = dirs[["log_dir"]],
                                                   B = B,
                                                   seed = seed))
    cat(crayon::green(' \u2713\n'))
    # run at-scale analysis
    cat("Running perturbation-to-gene association tests.")
    foreach_funct(foreach::foreach(pod_id = seq(1, dicts[["pairs"]])),
                  run_gRNA_gene_pair_analysis_at_scale(pod_id = pod_id,
                                                       gene_precomp_dir = dirs[["gene_precomp_dir"]],
                                                       gRNA_precomp_dir = dirs[["gRNA_precomp_dir"]],
                                                       results_dir = dirs[["results_dir"]],
                                                       log_dir = dirs[["log_dir"]],
                                                       gene_matrix = gene_matrix,
                                                       combined_perturbation_matrix = combined_perturbation_matrix,
                                                       covariate_matrix = covariate_matrix,
                                                       regularization_amount = regularization_amount,
                                                       side = side,
                                                       B = B,
    cat(crayon::green(' \u2713\n'))
    # collect results
    cat("Collecting and returning results. ")
    results <- collect_results(results_dir = dirs[["results_dir"]], gene_gRNA_group_pairs)
    cat(crayon::green(' \u2713\n'))

The code for SCEPTRE testing. The function frame2indmatrix is the same as the function mentioned in GSFA testing part.


#data preparation

sg_lib<- read.table("GSE90546/GSM2406677_10X005/sg_lib_all.txt", header=T)
data<- readRDS("GSE90546/GSM2406677_10X005/RNA.rds")

#quality control

data<- subset(data, sgRNA_num != 0 & 
                nFeature_RNA >= 200 & 
                nCount_RNA >= 1000 &
       <= 10)
data_qc <- CreateSeuratObject(count = data@assays$RNA@counts, min.cells = 0.01 * ncol(data))
data_qc[[""]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(data_qc, pattern = "^MT-")
sg_num <- subset(data$sgRNA_num, names(data$sgRNA_num) %in% colnames(data_qc))
perturbations<- subset(data$perturbations, names(data$perturbations) %in% colnames(data_qc))

data_qc[["log_UMI"]]<- log(data_qc$nCount_RNA)

sg_lib <- subset(sg_lib, cell %in% colnames(data_qc))
sg_lib$gene <- gsub("NTC", "non-targeting", sg_lib$gene)
sg_lib$barcode <- gsub("NTC_", "non-targeting_", sg_lib$barcode)

#Create gene-sgRNA pairs

l <- length(unique(sg_lib$gene))
gene_id<- rep(rownames(data_qc), times = l)
gRNA_id<- rep(unique(sg_lib$gene), each = nrow(data_qc))
gene_gRNA_pairs<- data.frame(gene_id = gene_id, gRNA_group = gRNA_id)

#Generate perturbation index matrix

perturbation_matrix <- t(frame2indmatrix(sg_lib, data_qc))

#Generate covariate matrix

covariate_matrix <- data_qc[[c("log_UMI", "")]]

#Get sparse matrix

expression_matrix <- data_qc@assays$RNA@counts

sg_lib <- unique(sg_lib[, c("barcode", "gene")])
grna_group_df <- data.frame(grna_id = sg_lib$barcode, grna_group = sg_lib$gene)

rm(names = "l","sg_lib","data","data_qc","sg_num","perturbations")


#Running SCEPTRE

st<- Sys.time()
result <- run_sceptre_high_moi2(storage_dir = "comparison_results/sceptre_results",
                                gene_matrix = expression_matrix,
                                combined_perturbation_matrix = perturbation_matrix,
                                covariate_matrix = covariate_matrix,
                                gene_gRNA_group_pairs = gene_gRNA_pairs,
                                side = "both", 
                                B = 2000,
                                parallel = T)
et<- Sys.time()

R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRblas.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.0/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] workflowr_1.6.2

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.7        whisker_0.4       knitr_1.33        magrittr_2.0.1   
 [5] R6_2.5.0          rlang_0.4.11      fansi_0.5.0       stringr_1.4.0    
 [9] tools_4.0.2       xfun_0.25         utf8_1.2.2        git2r_0.28.0     
[13] jquerylib_0.1.4   htmltools_0.5.1.1 ellipsis_0.3.2    rprojroot_2.0.2  
[17] yaml_2.2.1        digest_0.6.27     tibble_3.1.3      lifecycle_1.0.0  
[21] crayon_1.4.1      later_1.2.0       sass_0.4.0        vctrs_0.3.8      
[25] promises_1.2.0.1  fs_1.5.0          glue_1.4.2        evaluate_0.14    
[29] rmarkdown_2.10    stringi_1.7.3     bslib_0.2.5.1     compiler_4.0.2   
[33] pillar_1.6.2      jsonlite_1.7.2    httpuv_1.6.1      pkgconfig_2.0.3